Shutterbug follows a troubled teenager named Thomas as he explores his passion for photography. The film portrays Thomas's journey from a confident, even arrogant, young photographer who believes himself to be a prodigy, to a humbled individual who discovers a deeper purpose in his art. This mockumentary reveals Thomas's struggles with self-doubt and his eventual understanding of what truly motivates his art.
Cameramen at War (1943)
A tribute to the cameramen of the newsreel companies and the service film units, in the form of a compilation of film of the cameramen themselves, their training and some of their most dramatic film.
To See the Sea (2014)
As preteen, aspiring filmmaker Tomas trains his new camera’s lens on his own world, shocking family secrets around him come into sharp focus.
Hi, How Are You Daniel Johnston? (2015)
Daniel Johnston stars in this psychedelic short film about an aging musician coming to terms with the dreams of yesteryear.
Bogo the Clown (2017)
Bogo, a self-deprecating stand-up comedian, struggles to find happiness in a life where his only value seems to be making other people laugh.
Mission 404 : Internet doit rester vivant (2013)
The world is in danger, a huge unexpected bug hits the web and endangers the security of Internet users. It is in this context that Martin, a young intern at the ISA (Internet Security Agency) mistakenly crossed the portal which allows him to penetrate... inside the Internet!
Kamen Rider Gotchard Ver.: Romeo and Juliet Complete Edition (2024)
The extended version of the Romeo & Juliet play performance as seen in Kamen Rider Gotchard's 31st episode, and presented like it was shot in-universe.
Martha: A Picture Story (2019)
In 1970s New York, photographer Martha Cooper captured some of the first images of graffiti at a time when the city had declared war on it. Decades later, Cooper has become an influential godmother to a global movement of street artists.
Pozole (2019)
When Maia, a mixed race Latina woman, sets out to reconnect with her traditional Mexican roots on her Nana's 100th birthday, things go terribly wrong.
Liminality & Communitas (2018)
After the sunset, a man wonders between the edges of the highways gathering edible roadkill animals.
Encruzilhadas do Caos (2023)
A crazy night race in which Cabelo and Parreco need to put up hundreds of posters for a heavy metal show throughout the streets of Serra.
'Tis The Season (2023)
After Matt's feelings over take him, he confronts his friend, Seth, wondering why he never got the present he deserved, only to find his friend felt the same way. These two friend's begin to fight over there feeling only to find the true meaning to Christmas.
The Sketch (2023)
Upon his arrival in Paris, filmmaker Tomas Cali immerses himself in learning French, as well as the language of sketching. In an art studio, he meets transgender life model Linda Demorrir, who helps him to connect with himself and his new city in a profoundly different way.
What Lurks Beneath?! (2019)
An homage to the weird and wonderful world of B-movies, this short fauxdocumentary by film artist Chris Gerrard splices together classic clips with some new footage to tell the ludicrously fake story of the mysterious people (and things) lurking beneath us in the eerie River Tay. Feast your eyes on this unique archaeology of aquatic-themed film.
Leon in Wintertime (2008)
One winter, a ravenous ogre terrorizes the land of King Balthasar. Meanwhile, a blizzard is brewing in Léon’s heart. Braving the cold, this adopted bear cub runs away from home. Léon has many an adventure during his travels. He befriends a hedgehog and an elephant, confronts an ogre, and sets Princess Molly Gingerbread free. His courage and integrity eventually lead him back to his family. In the end, the cub earns everybody’s respect.
Ta mig (2010)
What would happen if the boys were girls and the girls were boys? Kim is still a virgin and unhappily in love with a girl. After the gym class he talks to his friend Robin to get some support and ask for advice.
Impressions of Expo 67 (1967)
This short film served as an invitation to the World's Fair that was held in Montreal in 1967. It was largely considered to be the most successful World's Fair of the 20th century with over 50 million visitors. The film presents impressions of the event and of Montreal at its liveliest and most exciting moment in history.