In this animated retelling of the Noah's Ark story, various unholy activities fill the great ship, as the animals discover the darker side of their nature.
Under the Lather (2020)
Ivan, five years old, is forced to take his bath by his babysitter. Once in the water, he discovers with horror, hidden under the lather, a frightful creature that he will have to face ...
Trio (2022)
Dakin, Cade, and Joel are three criminals who receive their next job. Instead of doing it, they argue over every detail, constantly arguing about their worth to the group while referring to past jobs.
Orbit (2024)
After her best friend leaves to Lunar University, Geo has to deal with his absence on Earth when carnival season arrives.
Cool Cat's Crazy Dream (2019)
Cool Cat, the coolest cat in the world, tells his friends, the audience, a crazy dream, how he was invited to a celebrity party and meets many celebrities. And he loved it.
Average Joe 2: London Calling (2022)
The adventure starts again with Average Joe 2:London Calling! Join Joe Normal on this thrilling and action packed vengeance story!
Mahou no Star Magical Emi: Finale! Finale! (1986)
This original video animation summarizes the entire TV series.
The Joanne Holiday Show (2016)
Michael Cavadias plays Dennis, a man who hasn't spoken in 23 years. He goes to see a new therapist and finds that her office is a television talk show. The therapy session slash talk show interview offers a cathartic assortment of non-sequiturs, but when the absurdity stacks up a little too high, Dennis suggests they leave the studio and hit the streets.
Carabosse (1980)
Animation, also of a new order in the recent series of short works. Mostly on black space, the figures in blue perform a very compact and jewel-like opera in surreal form, again to Satie’s piano music. Ideally, the film should be projected on a 30" wide white card sitting on a music stand, center stage of a large auditorium or music hall, with sound from the projector piped into the big speaker system. The film is most effective this way, but can be shown normal-size also
A Day in the Life of a Bench (2023)
A short poetry film about A Day in the Life of a Bench and the various types of people who visit it throughout the day.
My Dad Works the Night Shift (2018)
Felix, fourteen, starts a relationship with an older boy, hoping to get caught by his conservative father so he can confront him.
Darts (2017)
Jon, a self-proclaimed 'dartist', wants to put down any suspicions of his girlfriend's infidelity by talking to his long-time friend Frank. Confined to a park bench in a seemingly empty and serene park, the idiosyncratic Frank forces Jon to confront his insecurities.
Crown Juul (NaN)
In a dystopian future, JUUL CORP., a vape manufacturer, rules with dictatorial fury and only the RESISTANCE, an underground group of undercover agents, can stop them.
The Prince of Egypt (1998)
The strong bond between two brothers is challenged when their chosen responsibilities set them at odds, with extraordinary consequences.
Topless (2023)
“All in good time. I promise he will come to you.” This is something Anthony has been told by his mom. Little did he know that quote would follow him throughout his romantic endeavors. After a few years, being in his late 20s without experience building relationships, Anthony finds himself in a vicious cycle of heartbreak as he continues searching for true love. Anthony’s best friend Chloe sets him up with Justin, who wants a short-term, exclusive commitment. Chloe discovers that Anthony had sex with her boyfriend, Lucas. As tensions rise, Anthony relies on Justin for relief and comfort. Anthony takes responsibility for his actions and reaches out to the person who was there from the beginning—his mom, to fix the relationship that matters most.