In this sequel to Darren Wilson's groundbreaking film, Finger of God, filmmaker Will Hacker embarks on his own journey around the world in an attempt to discover the very core of Christianity. This step of faith takes Will on an adventure of a lifetime. He filmed with terrorists in the Middle East, with drug addicts in California, is smuggled into the underground church in China, transforms a religiously charged bar in Northern Ireland, and faces down a Muslim king in Africa. The lessons Will learns on his journey, and the miracles and moments of raw love and emotion captured on film, reveal a God who doesn't just want to save you, but is worth everything you have.
Jesus Camp (2006)
Jesus Camp is a Christian summer camp where children hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ". The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.
Heaven Can't Wait (2023)
The moving story of Carlo Acutis, a young British-Italian amateur computer programmer who died in 2006, aged 15, as a result of leukemia. However, even though he is no longer here, to this day Carlo continues to be a great symbol of strength among young people. The documentary brings together a series of reports from people who entrusted themselves to the intercession of the boy, beatified by the Catholic Church in 2020, and had their lives transformed.
Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl (2011)
An Idea Film. A Bookumentary. A cinematic treatment of a worldview. A poet live in concert. A motion picture sermon. VH1 Storytellers meets Planet Earth. In this unusual but fascinating film sequence, best-selling author N.D. Wilson gives an emotional and intellectual tour of life in this world and the final chapter that is death. Everything before and after and in between is a series of miracles - some of which are encouraging, others disturbing and uncomfortable.
Charles Manson, The Church of Satan, The Universal Order & The Process Church of Final Judgment (2012)
Out of the spiritual chaos of the 1960s, more strange cults and unorthodox messiahs have emerged than ever. Charles Manson is seen as the annoying result of libertarianism of the 1960s - the Cain who murdered the Abel from The Love Generation. Or in the words of one commentator; "the Elvis of alienation."
The End of Summer (1964)
A 16 year old girl recalls the last moments of her summer vacation, spent with friends in the Laurentians north of Montreal. She reminisces about their talks on life, death, love, and God. Shot in direct cinema style, working from a script that left room for the teenagers to improvise and express their own thoughts, the film sought to capture the immediacy of the youths presence their bodies, their language, their environment.
Miracles at the Movies: Locke + Signorelli (2024)
Firebrand pastors Greg Locke and Mike Signorelli merge condensed versions of their groundbreaking films, Come Out in Jesus Name and Domino Revival, infused with an unprecedented prophetic activation, for this special 2-hour Fathom event.
Miracle (2019)
A philosophical inquiry about the miracle, through the interview with three specialists that seek to understand the specificity of these phenomena.
Lost and Found (2022)
An inspiring documentary about overcoming homelessness and addiction in the City of Los Angeles.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (1994)
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams is a 1994 self-help, pocket-sized book from author and physician Deepak Chopra, published originally by New World Library, freely inspired in Hinduist and spiritualistic concepts, which preaches the idea that personal success is not the outcome of hard work, precise plans or a driving ambition, but rather of understanding our basic nature as human beings and how to follow the laws of nature.
The Search for the Meaning (2019)
"The Search for the Meaning" is a collective experience, carried out with the audiovisual contribution of countless people who record their testimonies and spiritual experiences in 19 countries, to show a new spirituality that is being born...
God, the Universe and Everything Else (1988)
In a studio setting, Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan (who joins them via satellite) discuss the Big Bang theory, God, our existence as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed (2006)
Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, reputed to be the source of the most esoteric knowledge in human history-has fascinated scholars, seekers and dreamers for centuries. For generations, scholars and researchers have tried in vain to discover the fabled Temple of Solomon, only to be confronted by one problem after another. Gnosis weaves a tale that is both profound and precise.
Christ in You: The Movie (2017)
We partnered with the heroes of faith of today to discover the reasons that are holding us back from bringing hope, healing and restoration to this broken world and to give practical strategies to help you overcome them to reach our hurting world. You can expect insight from heroes like Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, Kris Vallotton, Todd White, Shawn Bolz, Randy Clark and many more. In order to keep the movie real and practical we will show you how ordinary Christians bring light to dark places so you would know step by step on how to do it yourself. The movie will include footage of outreaches and street evangelism in Asia, the U.S. and Europe. We also have exclusive footage from the historical Azusa Now event, where over a 100,000 people were involved to seek the greatest move of God this world has ever seen.
Heal (2017)
A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that by changing one's perceptions, the human body can heal itself from any disease.
2012: Time for Change (2010)
2012: Time For Change is a documentary feature that presents ways to transform our unsustainable society into a regenerative planetary culture. This can be achieved through a personal and global change of consciousness and the systemic implementation of ecological design.
Finding Happiness (2014)
Finding Happiness is a film that captures a joyful reality. With a unique story directly from the heart and soul of each person who has lived it. Told through the eyes of a New York investigative journalist, Finding Happiness takes us on a journey to see how people can live in harmony, collaboration, compassion, cooperation, peace and love together in a conscious community called Ananda - which means "joy".
Sex, Drugs & Religion (2010)
A 71 minute look into the wacky world of religion. Targeting groups from Catholics to Baptists, this movie exposes the idiocy that is associated to religion in general. This is the fourth film release from B.A. Brooks and is quickly causing quite a stir in religious communities across the globe, while also hailing acclaim as a very entertaining, and insightful film experience.