Two friends disappear while filming a ghost hunt at the notoriously haunted Congress Plaza Hotel, leaving nothing but the unsettling footage they captured behind...
The House on Mansfield Street II: Evil Next Door (2024)
In the sequel to "The House on Mansfield Street," the unsettling mysteries persist in the quiet neighborhood. James Waring goes missing after moving in with his friend Anthony on Mansfield Street, where they are disturbed by the sounds of violent fights from the supposedly vacant house next door. To unravel the enigma, they befriend Laura, a seemingly helpful neighbor with a claim of expertise in banishing supernatural disturbances through witchcraft. However, as they seek her assistance, they inadvertently unlock an ancient evil that threatens their very existence.
No. 32, B District (2011)
A couple moves into a new house and observe a series of strange and possibly paranormal events that leads them to setup surveillance cameras, recording everything that takes place. The found footage reveals what took place.
Hotel Hollywood (2010)
A wedding party checked into a Los Angeles hotel. They were never found again. What happened to them?
The Turnpike Killer (2009)
Hulking and vicious homicidal maniac Jon Beest hears voices that compel him to brutally butcher women. He dumps their bodies on the side of the road on the New Jersey Turnpike. It's up to troubled NYPD Homicide Detective Lloyd to catch Beest and put an end to his campaign of terror.
Document Super Scary Story: Urban Legend 1 (2008)
The Documentary Horror Tours departs from a certain Inari shrine in Kawasaki City, the origin of the fear that Yumeaki Hirayama experienced in his childhood, and heads for "Hachioji" where mysterious spots are concentrated.
The Blackwell Ghost 5 (2020)
In this 5th installment of "The Blackwell Ghost" series, the ghost hunting filmmaker returns to the "Lightfoot House" where he hopes to solve a newly discovered puzzle which may lead to the location of more undiscovered victims.
[REC] (2007)
A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying.
Amityville: Mt Misery Road (2018)
Charlie and Buzi are ghost enthusiasts fascinated by the legend of the scariest road in America, Mt. Misery Road. The couple venture into the woods, only to get caught in a whirlpool of paranormal activities.
Banned from Broadcast 5: Village of Corpse (2006)
Shijin-no-mura is a healing facility where those who cannot conform to society live together. Our crew follows a woman who comes to the village. Her sister committed suicide and she herself has suicidal thoughts, but after her experience at the facility, she returns to society. Can you see it? A glimpse of the real horror in the tapes...
Deprivation (2019)
Three friends film themselves attempting to stay awake in a cabin for an entire week straight. As they expectedly begin to hallucinate, they realize that their "hallucinations" are showing up on camera.
Keep Watching (2017)
A family imprisoned by intruders is forced to play a terrifying game of "Kill, Or Be Killed". As the night unfolds, the game's mysterious rules become clear, and the family realizes their nightmare is being streamed live to riveted viewers all over the world, who are compelled to KEEP WATCHING... not knowing if what they're seeing is real, or staged.
Unidentified (2013)
During a wild weekend in Las Vegas, four young friends get into trouble with a loan shark and must skip town in a hurry. But gambling problems may be the least of their worries after they get stranded in the Nevada desert. One of the guys discovers a mysterious metal fragment, then promptly goes missing during the night. When the remaining three catch up with their lost friend, there's something different about him. As his condition worsens, the others realize that something unearthly might be stalking them in the desert.
Psychic Exorcist Evil Spirit Strange Document (2008)
An inspirational actress who visits a sacred place in an unexplored region: Ai Yoshizaki is accompanied by a priest (exoscist) Yuji Kiba, a psychic researcher. Together, they challenge an evil spirit exorcism.
Tokyo Videos of Horror 4 (2012)
After Kazuto Kodama's popular horror series "The Real Deal! Cursed Videos" (Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video) unleashed a new generation in horror, we bring you volume 4 in the ultimate horror video collection! The occult, the grotesque, the gruesome madness and criminal behaviour of man and of course spiritism. A variety of hundreds of videos were recorded by chance and buried in the darkness. It challenges every single taboo like no other, with the entire production being self-regulated.
Tokyo Videos of Horror 5 (2013)
The pursuit of fear continues. After Kazuto Kodama's popular horror series "The Real Deal! Cursed Videos" (Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video) unleashed a new generation in horror, we bring you volume 5 in the ultimate horror video collection! The occult, the grotesque, the gruesome madness and criminal behaviour of man and of course spiritism. A collection of videos recorded by chance and buried in the darkness. It challenges every single taboo like no other, with the entire production being self-regulated. Collected herein: "Malicious Call", "Call-girl Customer", "Bizarre Campground" and more
Tokyo Videos of Horror 6 (2013)
The pursuit of fear continues. After Kazuto Kodama's popular horror series "The Real Deal! Cursed Videos" (Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video) unleashed a new generation in horror, we bring you volume 6 in the ultimate horror video collection! The occult, the grotesque, the gruesome madness and criminal behaviour of man and of course spiritism. A collection of videos recorded by chance and buried in the darkness.
Tokyo Videos of Horror 7 (2013)
A movie without regulation like never before! The occult, the grotesque, the gruesome madness and criminal behaviour of man and of course spiritism. A collection of videos recorded by chance and buried in the darkness. Collected on this volume, the inexplicable event that begot a bike messenger "Absence of Sight, Behold the Beyond" and the visit to a local shrine "Domain of the Demonic"
Kowai Douga Noroi no Toshi Densetsu & Shinrei Toukou Zenshuu (2011)
The original horror production by Million Publishing. For ominous reasons, the spiritism videos in this collection survived the purification ceremony, making them an incredible rarity to be treasured. Additionally, Takehiko Koike and Kaoss Sumikura follow up on psychic recordings regarding urban legends.